May 11, 2012

The Hemorrhoid Miracle - Review

Holly Hayden has written the hemorrhoid miracle. Hayden is an independent researcher and columnist. She has got together a program that has been effective for thousands of hemorrhoids sufferers across the World. Holly’s claim, that hemorrhoids can be "cured" isn’t that bold in itself; what’s bold is that her remedies are all-natural and require no surgeries or expensive ointments.

Holly’s has a straight forward approach to deal with the problem. Her guide is straight talking and down to earth and can be easily finished in a few short sittings. She’s taken her research and combined it with her own experience and created a system to help hemorrhoid suffers experience some long-lasting relief.

It should be kept in mind that in the hemorrhoid world, the word ‘cure’ means that your particular hemorrhoid will shrink up and no longer give you any problems.
A quick look inside the Hemorrhoid miracle system...

Click here now for a quick look inside...

In her miracle system you can find plenty of home remedies and treatment information that provide ways of relieving, shrinking and preventing hemorrhoids. These remedies include Chinese methods of dealing with hemorrhoids, as well as many other ways of dealing with them.

An explanation of why some of the commonly used remedies such as preparation H are not all their hyped up to be and why they only temporarily deal with the problem but don't get to the root cause. Loads of ideas of natural astringents and antiseptics are also given. Many of these will help relieve itching, swelling and pain.

There are so many remedies in there that if you don’t find something that works for you then there is a good chance that no home or natural remedy will; however, after reading the guide, we believe that there is something in there for everyone. It’s a very concisely written help book on natural ways of relieving, healing, preventing and getting rid of hemorrhoids for good.

Holly takes it another level by giving you a tips on how to avoid getting future hemorrhoids. She touches on a range of topics that help the veins in your anal walls stay stress-free. Keeping these veins from struggling and swelling is the only way to prevent hemorrhoids. She also goes into depth about diet and lifestyle.

Click here now for a quick look inside...

The price of this book is $37. Holly also offers 24/7 support for anyone that has bought her guide. This is something that very few people do, so if you are getting into difficulties you can contact her for her advice. By paying a few extra dollars you can upgrade to the multimedia package. The material in the guide itself is enough but the audio's offers another dimension to things, as Holly takes you through her "Crystal Remedy" (this is the remedy which she says helped her get rid of her hemorrhoids) as well as a recipe for helping you keep you blood pressure down, and more.

So can you totally get rid of your hemorrhoid problem? Well, the simple answer is "no." The truth of the matter is that no matter what a program claims it can do, veins still exist in your anal walls. And although there is no way to permanently “cure” this ailment, some programs out there do a great job of minimizing your hemorrhoid risk, and an equally great job at shrinking the size and reducing the pain and irritation associated with hemorrhoids.

Holly’s H-Miracle System is great product if you are looking for a good book on hemorrhoid cure. The 48 hour curing claim may not be accurate for everyone, but you should start to experience relief quickly and be able to rid yourself of hemorrhoids and their symptoms for good.

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Three Steps to Get Rid of Hemorrhoids,

Constipation, Hemorrhoids or Piles, and inactivity go hand in hand. If you have been constipated for quite a while, chances are you have hemorrhoids. If you are inactive because you just like sitting around or are confined to a bed or chair, then you will have constipation and hemorrhoids.

So if you want to get rid of hemorrhoids, you need to take 3 steps. These three steps can be done at the same time, especially if you have hemorrhoids that are itchy, painful, and are in need of attention.

First you need to do something about your hemorrhoids. There are many different natural remedies for reducing, relieving, and eliminating hemorrhoids. Since everyone is different in his or her chemical make-up and nutritional requirements, one remedy will not work for everyone.

Each of you has to find out what remedy works best for you. Use the remedy that feels right for you, the remedy where you have the ingredients, or that one based on the severity of your hemorrhoids.

Here’s one remedy you can try - Collinsonia Root Powder Collinsonia is a vegetable, known as “Stone Root” because of it hardness. It comes in powder and liquid. Stone Root is found in Canada and in Florida. It has been found quite helpful in aiding hemorrhoids.

Linda Clark in her book called, Linda Clark’s Handbook of natural remedies for common ailments, 1976, says this about collinsonia root. “I have heard people rave enthusiastically about the results of this remedy, which works quickly.” It’s benefits come from,

Supporting blood vessel contractions and flow,

Reducing irritation and inflammation of veins,

Providing a tonic effect on weaken veins, capillaries, and tissue,

Improving digestio,

Helping to keep mucus membranes healthy
Secondly, you need to do something about becoming regular and to eliminate mild or chronic constipation. To start with, do these simple changes in your diet.

Eat fruits as a snack between meals – oranges, apples, bananas, prunes, grapefruits, mangos, watermelon, grapes, cherries.

Stop eating bread, flour products, milk, sodas, back off on eating a lot of protein.
Eat a few serving of vegetables during the day – green lettuce, celery, carrots, and so on...

Drink at least 2-3 glasses of water every day or drink more water than you normally do.
The third thing you need to do is add some exercise to your daily routine. It can be any thing as long it is something you like and you do it regularly – walking, swimming, or rebounding. Don’t over exercise; all you need is 10 – 20 minutes per day.

There you have it, the threes step to getting rid of hemorrhoids – a hemorrhoid natural remedy, a slight change in your diet, and 10 minutes of daily exercise that you like.

April 27, 2012

Drugstore Hemorrhoid Medications

There are many drugstore and alternative Internet products for treating hemorrhoids. Most of the products are not made to cure or eliminate hemorrhoids but to give you temporary relief of itching, pain, swelling or bleeding. I don’t recommend using any type of product that is not natural or that comes from a drugstore.

If the product contains petrochemicals, additives, coloring, dyes, or other chemicals, which enhance its appearance and feel, I would not use them. Most, if not all, of these chemicals will be absorbed into your body where your organs of elimination will have to deal with eliminating them.

All products whether drugs, drugstore medications, or natural formulations use chemicals, substances, oils, and herbs that have the following properties:

Anesthetics – suppresses pain and gives relief…any name with the suffix “caine” like tetracaine

Analgesics – suppresses and give pain relief – some of them are Anacin, Tylenol with Codeine, OxyContin, Darvocet, Ultracet

Vasoconstrictors – helps to narrow or constrict hemorrhoidal veins…any name with the suffix “rine” like phenylephrine

Lubricants – provide lubrication in the colon to relieve constipation – mineral oil, flax seed oil, castor, oil olive oil

Astringents – help to tighten tissue, which have been pushed out by hemorrhoid action – zinc oxide, witch hazel, calamine

Keratolytics – help to remove excess hemorrhoidal tissue. They are compounds of sulfur and salicylic acid
Many of the drugstore medications have anesthetics. They can aggravate and irritate the hemorrhoids you’re trying to eliminate. If you are using one of these drugstore medications, consider using a more natural remedy.

In 1975 Carl I. Flath, wrote a book called The Miracle Nutrient – How Dietary Fiber Can Save Your Life. In his book he talks about the effectiveness of drugstore suppositories,

“Suppositories quickly work their way up in the rectum beyond the location of most internal hemorrhoids, and so are of limited value in reducing local pain. As antiseptics they are essentially worthless, since the surface areas they are supposed to protect are under constant exposure to new bacteria….

Anesthetic agents do offer temporary relief from local irritations and pain… Neither the suppositories nor the ointments, however, do anything whatever to correct the basic cause of hemorrhoids—constipation.”

April 17, 2012

How Do You Get Hemorrhoids? .

A lot of people don’t even know they have hemorrhoids. The rectum is not an area you can readily see. Some times you don’t know you have hemorrhoids until you see blood in the toilet water after a bowel movement, when you start to have pain or discomfort in the rectum, or when you feel extra tissue around the rectum.

So how do you develop hemorrhoids? For sure, constipation is not the only way you can get hemorrhoids. Here are some additional ways:

Alcoholism or drinking to many alcoholic drinks

Being pregnant and not eating enough fiber

Doing daily heavy lifting and holding your breath while you do it

Eating excessive processed foods, which are low in fiber and move slowly through your colon.

General body weakness, which will affect the colon function

Having a predisposition to constipation or inheriting a weakness in the colon and rectum area * Holding fecal matter too long in the rectum causing pressure to buildup in the rectum veins - postponing a bowel movement

Having a weak liver, which reduces the amount of bile released into the intestines. Bile helps to active peristaltic action.

Having inflammation in the rectum that causes you to have constipation

Irregular eating patterns

Lack of protein leading to weak tissues and slow healing of wounds

Not eating foods that keeps you constipation free such as fiber, vegetables, essential fatty acids, protein, water.

Not getting the right vitamins and minerals in your food.

Being overweight

Poor muscle tone in the anal area from lack of exercise

Pressure on rectum veins from cysts or tumor in the colon

Sitting in a chair at home, at work, in a car, or in a truck for long periods

Using laxatives to the point where your colon no longer works properly and you end up with constipation
As you can see there are many reasons that you can develop hemorrhoids. And most of them relate to the function of your colon. If you want hemorrhoid relief look at the list and see which condition or situation relates to you and try to make changes in these conditions. In addition to changes add new foods that will help your colon to work better.

March 30, 2012

Using Herbs to Relieve Hemorrhoids – Aloe Vera, Bilberry, Butcher's Broom

To relieve hemorrhoids first look for ways to get your bowels moving easier and more frequently so they produce softer stools. I have suggestion ways, in other articles, to do this by changing your diet.

Any straining and puffing you do to push hard or even soft stools out during a bowel movement will aggravate your hemorrhoids and can lead to bleeding and pain.

When completing a bowel movement, make sure you are using the softest tissue available so that when you clean yourself you don’t scrape or aggravate your hemorrhoids. You can also use pre-moisten tissue. Just make sure that the tissue you use is not colored or scented because these chemical additives can aggravate your hemorrhoids.

You may have to take a shower a couple times a day to keep your rectum area clean.

Here are three natural remedies that you can use to aid in eliminating your hemorrhoids.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera gel is an astringent that helps to heal open wounds. It is useful in hemorrhoids by applying the gel directly onto your anus. The best type of gel for this is directly from the aloe plant. If you don’t have one, then 100% organic whole leaf aloe gel is second best. You can get this organic aloe at a health food or nutrition store.

If you have a fresh plant, wash a leaf thoroughly with distilled water. Peel it on one side, bend it with the peeled side outward, and slip it into your anus. This will provide you with pain relief and reduce your hemorrhoid bleeding. Just trim down the leaf so it slides into your anus easily.

Aloe Vera juice, that you drink, is also good for hemorrhoids. It helps to soften your stools and to activate peristaltic action. If you like aloe juice, then drink around 1/2 a cup of Aloe Vera juice three time a day.
You can add 1/4 or 1/3 part aloe juice to a cup of apple juice to make the taste easier to handle. To make this aloe-apple juice more effective, add 10 drops of barberry extract.

Barberry is an astringent for blood vessel congestion along the colon and rectum. It will improve blood circulation; it stimulates the immune system to resist disease, and will tone body tissues. It also is capable of stopping bleeding hemorrhoids.


Bilberry’s active ingredients are flavanoids. Bilberry contains chemical called “anthocyanosides.” This fruit like herb has been used in Europe for a long time. In clinical studies, it has shown to be effective in treating weak capillaries by strengthening their walls.

Buy the 25% standardized formula and take 100 mg three times a day of bilberry. Bilberry will give you hemorrhoid relief.

Butcher's Broom

Butcher's broom, an evergreen bush, has a history of being used for varicose veins and hemorrhoids. As an extract, it contains “ruscogenins”, which can narrow blood vessels and decrease their inflammation and swelling. It strengthens and tones veins and capillary walls.

Take 100 mg of butcher’s broom three times a day. Use the type that has 9-11% ruscogenins.

Now you can use either of the three herbal remedies for hemorrhoid relief. If one is not working to good, try the other. Once you have gotten the hemorrhoid relief that you want stop using the herbal remedy.

March 13, 2012

How to Use Herbal Salves & Ointments to Shrink Your Hemorrhoids

Comfrey Herbal Salve

Here is an herbal combination that contains herbs that promote the healing of skin wounds and blood vessel, is antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, soothing, and antiitching.

Here is what is in it:

* Comfrey root
* St. John's Wort flower and bud
* Calendula flower
* Plantain leaf
* Chickweed herb
* Mullein leaf

Here's how to use it:

Clean the area where you want to apply the salve. Apply the salve to the anus or slightly into the rectum by rubbing to soften the salve. This application can be done at night so you get a good dose of this salve as it passes through the skin. Use for 6 days, then rest one day. Use for 6 week, then rest one-week.

When using any kind of salve and herbal extracts, keep them in the refrigerator. This keeps them fresh and gives your hemorrhoids a "cool relief " feeling.

Veri-Gone salve

Veri-Gone is a salve that was made for varicose veins and has been used for general cases of hemorrhoids.

* Witch Hazel
* Echinacea Extract
* Calendula Extract
* Chamomile essential oil
* Alcohol
* Distilled water

Here's a link where you can find this salve. This site has variety of salve formulations.

Ghee - Turmeric Salve

Here's a Ghee mixture that is listed in, New Choices in Natural Healing, 1995, by prevention magazine health books.

Combine 1 teaspoon of ghee with 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder. Apply some of this mixture onto your hemorrhoids just before you go to bed.

Here's how to use it:

* Apply it for 3 nights in a row
* Stop for two nights
* Resume for three nights
* Continue this cycle until your hemorrhoids are gone

Wear old clothes when you use this combination since the turmeric will stain your clothes. The discoloration on your skin will clear after two-three weeks or sooner.

Zinc Oxide Ointment

Zinc Oxide is readily available in a drugstore or throughout the Internet. It is useful in reducing hemorrhoids symptoms, since it is astringent, antiseptic, and antibacterial.

Zinc oxide will keep the area dry from moisture and will help to reduce itching and chafing. Use it as often as you like and, of course, when you go to bed.

Pilewort Ointment

Pilewort is an herb that has a history of being used for hemorrhoids. It is a fast acting hemorrhoid remedy. It is an astringent, tones the blood vessels, and stops bleeding. You can use it as frequent as you like. Just apply to the anal area.

Do not take pilewort internally.

Calendula Ointment

Calendula flower has been extensive used in China to heal hemorrhoids. It has a soothing effect and reduces inflammation. Its other characteristics are,

hemostatic (stops bleeding)
styptic (contracts blood vessels)

Calendula ointment helps to form new tissue and for that reason is used for cuts, burns and other skin disorders. Apply the ointment directly on your hemorrhoids. Use it daily and as often as you like.

Rudy Silva

Rudy Silva, BA Physics, Natural Nutritionist. He is the author of constipation, acne, hemorrhoid, and fatty acid ebooks. He writes a newsletter call

March 10, 2012

Use Digestive Enzymes to Reduce Hemorrhoid Inflammation

Using digestive enzymes when you have hemorrhoids is a good idea. Digestive enzymes help reduce inflammation, reduce fibrin, and clean the blood of foreign particles. These enzymes activities strengthen your immune system and give it more power to work on your hemorrhoids.
Bromelain is a digestive enzyme that is found in pineapple. It's capable of reducing inflammation and swelling and for this reason has been used to treat hemorrhoids.
Bromelain also activates a chemical that promotes the breakdown of fibrin. Fibrin is a chemical that repairs open wounds, internal wounds and weak tissue by creating fibrin deposits. If you are over 35, fibrin is not balanced with your body's enzymes. This results in excess fibrin deposits at inflamed locations, eventually causing more sickness and disease. Disease.
To balance and control excess fibrin activity, you need to take digestive or systemic enzymes. Systemic enzymes are enzymes that work throughout the body to attack blood impurities and dissolve fibrin.
As a supplement take 500-750 mg a day. You can also add fresh pineapple to your diet since it is high in fiber and other nutrients.
Digestive and Systemic Enzymes
Digestive enzymes are used to help you digest your food and improve your assimilation. Systemic enzymes are found deep into our body. They are in your tissues, organs, and cells where they help in all types of chemical reactions that your body is involved in.
Both types of these enzymes are available in capsules so you can easily supplement your diet. Digestive enzymes help to reduce the stress you get in the rectum when your food is not properly digested. Undigested food reaching the colon eventually leads to constipation.
Take a good digestive enzyme that you can get at health food store. Take 2 capsules with each meal.
Systemic enzymes help reduce swelling, inflammation, improve circulation, and speed the healing of tissue. One important fact about systemic enzymes is they eliminate fibrin, which is at center of most inflammatory conditions and illness.
Take systemic enzymes between meals. This allows them reach the small intestine and get absorbed into the blood stream where they can do their work.
Some systemic enzymes are enteric enzymes, which means they are coated so they will not dissolve in the stomach. This allows them to move into the small intestine where they will be absorbed into your blood stream.
The brand Vitalzyme contains serrapeptase, a systemic enzyme that is mix with other nutrients and enzymes. Just put Vitalzyme or serrapeptase into the goggle engine. This will bring in a flood of sites for you to chose a good systemic enzyme.

March 07, 2012


Hemorrhoids, which are also called piles, is a condition of weakened and swollen veins in the anus or lower rectum. They often go unnoticed and usually clear up after a few days, but can also cause long-lasting discomfort of the rectum such as pain, itching, and bleeding. Hemorrhoids can be divided into two types: Internal hemorrhoids lie inside the anus or lower rectum; external hemorrhoids lie outside the anal opening. Both can be present at the same time. Sometimes a blood clot forms in an external hemorrhoid and inflammation and a painful lump develops. This condition is called a thrombosed hemorrhoid.

Hemorrhoids are a very common medical complaint. More than 75% of Americans have hemorrhoids at some point in their lives, typically after age 30. Men are more likely than women to suffer from hemorrhoids that are serious enough to require professional treatment.

During a bowel movement, veins in the anus are protected from damage by expanding to drain blood away from the area. The veins are normally somewhat elastic, and they snap back to their regular size after defecation is finished. However, repeated straining due to constipation or hardened stools causes the veins to be swollen and stretched out of shape. The swelling also triggers nerves in the area, causing itchiness and a sensation of full bowels. In addition, straining may cause the rupture of blood vessels and bleeding at the anus.

Causes & symptoms
Aging, obesity, pregnancy, chronic constipation or chronic diarrhea, excessive use of enemas or laxatives, straining during bowel movements, and spending too much time on the toilet are all factors that can contribute to the development of hemorrhoids. In some people there is also a genetic tendency to have fragile veins that are prone to developing hemorrhoids and varicose veins .

The most common symptom of internal hemorrhoids is bright red blood in the toilet bowl or on one's feces or toilet paper. When hemorrhoids remain inside the anus they are almost never painful, but they can protrude outside the anus and become irritated and sore. Such hemorrhoids are called prolapsed hemorrhoids. These sometimes move back into the anal canal on their own or can be pushed back inside; however, they may remain permanently outside the anus until treated by a doctor. Small external hemorrhoids usually do not produce symptoms. Larger ones, however, can be painful and interfere with sitting, walking, defecating, and cleaning the anal area after a bowel movement.

Diagnosis of hemorrhoids begins with a visual examination of the anus, followed by an internal manual examination. The doctor may also insert an anoscope, a small tube with a light that can be used to view the anal canal. More serious problems may be ruled out using a sigmoidoscope or colonoscope to inspect the colon.

March 01, 2012

Anal itching and Hemorrhoids

This article was intended to answer many of the most often asked questions on this subject. I wish you discover all of this information useful.

Anal itching is one of the most usual of hemorrhoids symptom, it appears in both internal and external hemorrhoids. Fortunately it is also one of the leading symptoms to appear and one of the easiest to cure, but you have to take it seriously or risk other symptoms that will not be nearly as simple to deal with.

Cause of anal itching
In case of internal hemorrhoids itching is caused by a mucus secreted by rectal lining, this happens because it's been pulled down by constant development of internal hemorrhoids. Mucus then moistens the anus and the skin around it, causing constant irritation of the skin. With external hemorrhoids case itching is caused by irritation of an extremely sensitive skin around the anus.

How to cure anal itching?
"First we form habits, then they form us. Conquer your bad habits, or they'll eventually conquer you." - Dr.Rob Gilbert
Treatment of anal itching is simple compared to other hemorrhoids symptom. Even so treating just symptom without treating the cause will bring you just short-lived ease from this persistent disease, and you can bet that you will experience another hemorrhoids flare up before long, and the next time it might not be as simple as the first, as a matter of fact most likely it will be worse.

When treating hemorrhoid symptoms, both internal and external, you must concentrate on your diet, and exercise or movement,

lack of it causes intestinal slow down, and that again causes hard, pallet like stool, which is then accountable for development of hemorrhoids. High fiber diet in addition with a adequate water intake will aid in making your stool softer and bulkier, and because of that it will become easier to pass. That will result in a less straining, and relieving of pressure on your anal area, thus diminishing risk of hemorrhoids flare up.

Even so when treating anal itching pay particular regard to personal hygiene.
1) Wash up after bowel movement, use a shower or a bidet, if you're not at home use wet hemorrhoidal wipes with Witch Hazel.
2) Take sitz baths, two to five times per day for 15 minutes. Soaking in warm water will not just bring ease from ache but will at the same time wash away out all the excrement that could be difficult to clean because of hemorrhoid tags.
3) Use anti-itch hemorrhoids ointments. Use creams with %1 hydrocortisone, and be certain to read instructions carefully, keep off any hemorrhoidal cream that can have itching as side effect. For hemorrhoidal cream review and recommendation see our site.
4) Use pill based treatments for hemorrhoids that assist restore balance in your digestive system. These treatments are excellent because they attack the major cause of hemorrhoids as well as symptoms at the same time.

By using these treatments you can actually cure your hemorrhoids forever.

We have come to the end of my informational article. It's now your job to take this information and do something with it.

Hemorrhoids symptom cause is a definite hemorrhoids site, Nikola has years of hemorrhoid fighting experience, and on this site you can learn all you need to know about hemorrhoid symptoms and hemorrhoids in general!

February 27, 2012

Study shows cut in hemorrhoidal symptoms - New Technology

The procedure for Prolapse and Hemorrhoids (PPH), also known as stapled hemorrhoidopexy, results in a lower incidence of new hemorrhoidal symptoms after treatment compared to the traditional hemorrhoidectomy, according to interim results of a head-to-head study presented at the American Society for Colon and Rectal Surgeons annual meeting.

"The intermediate results presented today show that the already established early advantages of PPH, including less pain and quicker recovery, are coupled with durability. These are compelling reasons for wider utilization of the procedure among surgeons," said Anthony Senagore, M.D., MBA, lead investigator for the study, Cleveland Clinic staff surgeon, Department of Colon and Rectal Surgery.

"Patients should be made aware that the new procedure is not only less painful, but appears to reduce the risk of their hemorrhoidal symptoms returning.

February 22, 2012

FREE Hemorrhoid Relief!

Read this article to learn how to control your hemorrhoids.

If you or a loved one is suffering from hemorrhoids (commonly spelled hemroids), I don't have to tell you how uncomfortable the whole experience can be. Hemorrhoids are swollen arteries in and around the rectum that can cause severe burning, itching or sometimes bleeding. If there are any signs of blood in your bowel movements you should always see a doctor.

This hemorrhoid information page is written entirely by a person who suffered from hemorrhoids for ten years before finally realizing the secrets to living with this very common ailment. Follow these natural techniques and you will go months without swollen hemorrhoid pain.

What about all the creams, ointments and medications for hemorrhoids? All of these medications have one thing in common. They are attempting to temporarily relieve the pain and discomfort associated with swollen hemorrhoids. And we all know how slimy these ointments feel after application! In my opinion, once you have gotten to the point where you have to start spreading beeswax on your butt to stop the burning , it's too late! You have swollen your hemorrhoids to a point where you are in serious pain! That's right. YOU are in control of how often you have to suffer from hemorrhoids. In the following paragraphs I will explain how you can control your hemorrhoids through diet and habit and go months without remembering that you ever suffered from them.

Don't aggravate or swell your hemorrhoids. Constipation is one of the leading causes of swollen hemorrhoids. If you suffer from just two days of constipation your hemorrhoids can remain swollen and painful for days. That's of course when everybody starts applying the lovely creams and ointments in a desperate attempt to get some relief. Another cause of hemorrhoids is pushing too hard during a bowel movement. They say that you should never push hard during a bowel movement but that makes it almost impossible to deal with constipation. What's the answer? Avoid the constipation - and you will reduce your hemorrhoid flare-ups dramatically! I'm not a doctor. I'm not a nutritionist. I'm a just a guy who has figured out what to eat and what NOT to eat in order to avoid those itching monsters!

Here is the secret hemorrhoids treatment. Avoid eating large quantities of foods like Pizza, Bread, Candy and processed foods. Let me repeat. Eating a lot of bread or pizza or products made from flour without drinking enough fluids will give you a case of hemorrhoids you won't soon forget. Chocolate is another enemy. If you love it. Eat very small amounts! The single most effective change you can make in your diet is to drink more water! I don't like the bland taste of water so I started drinking Gatorade. Drink water or Gatorade and drink plenty of it. I guarantee your hemorrhoids will almost entirely disappear. It sounds simple but I will repeat it once more so it sinks in. DRINK MORE WATER or Gatorade. At least 4 large glasses per day.

Doctors treat the symptoms of hemorrhoids. This article is designed to help you avoid the swollen hemorrhoids in the first place. Then you won't need the doctor and all the ointments!

Foods and drinks to

  • Chocolate
  • Pizza
  • Bread (products made from flour)
  • Chewy candies and licorice.
  • Pickles
  • Picked peppers
  • White wine or champagne

Foods and drinks to
  • Fruits (peaches, plums, apricots, apples, pears, apples)
  • Salads made from green vegetables
  • Water
  • Iced Tea
  • Gatorade

Avoid any products that are sealed in jars of vinegar. (pickle juice is mostly vinegar.) Also avoid spicy foods which will cause that familiar itching and burning sensation in already inflamed hemorrhoids. Over indulging in white wine or champagne can also cause itching and burning.

The secret is really moderation. After I started drinking more liquids I noticed that weeks had gone by without suffering from hemorrhoids. I decided to treat myself to a hearty meal of my favorite pizza and guess what? No hemorrhoids the next day! Apparently my body was hydrated enough were it was able to deal with the pizza. (dough, bread, flour... hemorrhoid starters!) So, I thought I was cured forever! I started eating pizza and bread every day and not drinking as much water and of course you know what happened. I was suffering from hemorrhoids in a matter of days after going back to my old habits. The secret my friends is moderation. Drink plenty of water or Gatorade every day. Eat more fruits and vegetables and your hemorrhoids will almost entirely disappear.

Things you should not do if you are suffering from hemorrhoids:

  • Do not spend long periods of time sitting on the toilet.
  • Do not wipe excessively.
  • Do not wipe with up and down motion.
  • Do not use harsh or stiff toilet paper.

  • Use witch hazel to relieve pain and clean effected area.
  • Apply witch hazel to soft toilet paper and blot or pat the effected area.

Always remember - constipation (and the pushing associated with it during a bowel movement) is a major cause of swollen hemorrhoids.

    Avoid foods that cause constipation and your hemorrhoids will almost entirely disappear.